Gizmo Brew Works
Gizmo Brew Works launched into the public sphere in April of 2013. Gizmo represents the thinkers, tinkerers, and inventors who make up RTP and the Umstead Industrial Park which we call home.
At its inception, Gizmo Brew Works inherited a 2 barrel brewhouse, making it one of the smallest production breweries in North Carolina. Strong and feisty for its size, Gizmo surged forth into the competitive beer market. As Gizmo’s reputation grows, so does its size. In 2015 new infrastructure boosted its growth with larger tanks and a new 7 bbl brewhouse. In 2019 we set forth on an expansion to quadruple our brewing capacity as well as opening our first satellite taproom in Chapel Hill. In addition to small-batch taproom only releases, thirsty souls can find our beer in some of the finest retail shops and restaurants/bars throughout North Carolina.