Bombshell Beer Company
What is a "Bombshell"? One definition is an unexpected surprise! Craft beer is not just for guys! History tells us that brewing beer was traditionally a woman's job. In fact, the creation of beer is credited to women! The goddess, Ninkasi is recognized for creating the oldest beer recipe in existence, dating back some 3900 years. Until Medieval times, it was the woman's job to brew beer for the household and laws of that time stated that the tools of brewing were solely the woman's property. Until the age of "Enlightenment" and "Industrialization," women represented seventy-eight percent of licensed brewers. From that period on the role of women in brewing declined rapidly, which the founders of Bombshell say in jest, was the downfall of the art of brewing.
Fast forward to modern times, the evolution of craft beer and the partnership of the original Bombshell Girls-Ellen Joyner, Jackie Hudspeth and Michelle Miniutti, three home brewers following their dreams. Together, they draw upon the power of their brains, beauty and beliefs that great brewing practices make for great beer and great times for all.
- Everyday Drinker
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